Sunday, 5 October 2008

Let us start our own philosophical movement- we'll call it Cynical Existentialism. Put Antithesis at its core, make Scepticism its main principle, add the imperatives of Individualistic Anarchy to the mix, sprinkle it with traces of Romanticism and just a hint of Nihilism.

Encourage euthanasia and suicide- no one should stay alive that doesn't truly wish to- but ban all forms of organised warfare and institutional violence. Children should grow up surrounded by love, not locked up in prisons of lies and parental ambitions. Fuck advanced technology- who fantasizes of sleeping with cyborgs?

Uncover the twisted roots of morality, attack the foundations of order, allow society to annihilate itself, so it might be reborn from pure necessity, let anyone who desires to break free of its web simply walk away. Shatter all mirrors, for are they anything more than a means to imposing conformity, the all-seeing eye of Others constantly attacking the kingdom of Solitude?

Now find the hidden weaknesses of this Utopia and blow it to bits. Then you'll understand what it means to abolish certainty; then you'll know the beauty and vastness and sorrow of persistent self-doubt.

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