Tuesday, 3 February 2009

If to welcome something new means to stand naked under the sun, eager to forsake all principles of rational thought simply to pursuit a fleeting reflection of blissful anguish, then who are you and what do you stand for?

If to embrace is to let the barriers fall, if to love means to consider yourself worthy of devotion, if to forgive is to offer yourself a minuscule piece of much longed-for absolution, then whom do you seek and why do you still sail those stormy seas alone?

Doubt tears and mangles and scalds the flesh. Statues dance on the graves of their makers- is immortality a privilege of creators or their creations themselves? Would you want your name to outlive the seeds of your imagination, or vice versa? Where does vanity transform into the deep existential quest for durability, the timeless, stubborn, all-too-human need to defy death itself?

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