Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Of cities and ghosts: Chapter 387

What difference does it make, she wondered. Another hurriedly consumed coffee; a few random pieces of information exchanged; an hour-long escape from reality. Words uttered were, again, only the tip of the iceberg.

She was here, he was there, and that was all there was to it. This kind of distance could not be measured in kilometers. Dreams, goals and attachments had gradually filled up the gaps, which once might still have been called bridgeable.

It felt as if something had been left unfinished, or maybe that was merely the fantasy she needed to keep her going. She didn’t even rely so much on it anymore. Desire fading as memories grew old. Blood going stale in the veins of aging Hope.

No more whys or what ifs. No tears, no poetry, no expectations. She never had a big role in this play, anyway- a fact she had come to accept as such. All she could do was watch, and nod, and smile in recognition, awed with the subtlety, the ingenuity and irony of it.

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