Monday, 13 August 2007

Isn’t it strange when people keep insisting that sex should be
seen (or had) purely as an end in itself? Sorry to disappoint you,
but I don’t think it can ever be more than a means to something
else (unless you’re too drunk to know what you’re doing, and then
it doesn’t count, does it?).

Pleasure, procreation, love, companionship, acceptance, communication, self-expression, money, power, recognition, employment, temporary oblivion, relief from boredom, breaking norms and taboos, revenge, punishment, showing that you care or that you’re (still) capable…the list goes on and on.

The only difference is that some ends are more acceptable than others, always depending on the context. What I’m trying to
say is, well…maybe we’re all prostitutes, in a way.
And there is nothing wrong with that.

Here, I wish I could reassure you that my irrelevant observations
do not, by any chance, constitute an attempt to justify past or future actions. But they wouldn’t call it subconscious if its motives were open to scrutiny, right?

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