Sunday, 5 August 2007

Superficial discussions, games people play because they think that’s how it's meant to be, the pointless process of socializing, wear your mask, say hello, thank you very much, ignore the longing in their glances, as they pretend your smile is real.

When we’re all human, flawed, temporary, and what we yearn for is some peace of mind, the warmth of skin on skin, a break from shallow interaction, a silence that’s deeper than any words can be, eyes that actually see what they look at, even if only for a moment, then goodbye, that’s it, the flow of life carries us away and we run run run cause there’s no other way to live or love or die..

From David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten :

“What have I done? Where does this myth come from?”
“What myth?”
“The one that plagues all men. The one that says a life without darkness and sex and mystery is only half a life. Why?”

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