Friday 19 February 2010

Growing up the way I did, I learned not to trust many people. To protect myself from disappointments, I never expected much from others- or life in general. I got used to blocking the painful memories of rejection, betrayal and those innumerable uncomfortable moments.

As time went by, I constructed an impenetrable wall around me- you could call it selfishness, or even a kind of autistic withdrawal, if only it didn't hurt so much. All my life, I've been looking for the antidote, which only seems to come in the form of love.

I've searched for it in enchanted forests, foul-smelling caves and twisted labyrinths; I've followed paths that led nowhere; I've shared my deepest secrets with strangers; I've shed tears in front of indifferent statues.

And whenever I discovered something that truly resembled it, I soon got scared that I'd never be able to overcome the barriers, so I retreated into my shattered world. You see, I've let so many people down that it's way too hard to believe I might actually be worthy of affection...